Are you language professional? Register with us and get high earning opportunities!
Crystal Hues offers earning opportunities to anyone who is fluent in speaking, reading or writing in two or more languages.
Follow the steps given below and register with us in 4 steps.
Step 1: Submit The Skill Test
Step 2: Fill Your Details
Step 3: Upload The Required Documents
Step 4: Sign The NDA
Skill Test

Q. Why do I have to participate in this test?
A. Crystal Hues is an ISO certified public limited company, which requires to assess and evaluate the quality produced by vendors before onboarding them. The skill test will give us an insight about your quality standards and whether they match with the required standards or not.
Your skill test will be evaluated on the basis of:
1. Locale
2. Grammar & Syntax
3. Formatting
4. Writing Style
Fill In Your Details

Q. Why is this information required?
A. Crystal Hues is required to abide by certain
ISO guidelines and regulations which require
us to screen and onboard vendors with a
certain eligibility criteria. The submission of
your details hastens the onboarding process
enabling you to get the projects from us
The submission of your personal details like
address and contact details are meant for
billing purpose.
Upload The Required Document

Q. Why are these documents required to be submitted?
A. The documents will be used to corroborate the details submitted in the previous section and will be used for creating bills while making payments to you in the future.